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Extrait du catalogue Globular Clusters in the Milky Way (Harris, 1997)
Organisation du catalogue :
Vu le petit nombre d'objets (147), tous sont regroupΘ dans le mΩme fichier.
Description des enregistrements du fichier :
GCMrec = record ar, de :longint ;
Rsun, Vt, B_Vt, c, Rc, Rh, muV : smallint;
id : array[1..9] of char;
name : array[1..11] of char;
SpT : array[1..4] of char;
- ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- Rsun : distance au soleil en kpc *10
- Vt : magnitude V integrΘe * 100
- B_Vt : indice de couleur B-V * 100
- c : concentration centrale * 100
- Rc : rayon du noyau * 100
- Rh : rayon de demi-masse * 100
- muV : luminositΘ de surface centrale * 100
- id : numΘros de l'amas
- name : autre nom
- SpT : classe spectrale integrΘe
Type Intervalle Format
------------ -------------------------- -------------------
Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
Description originale du catalogue :
VII/202 Globular Clusters in the Milky Way (Harris, 1997)
A catalog of parameters for globular clusters on the Milky Way
Harris W.E.
<Astron. J. 112, 1487 (1996, rev. 15 May 1997)>
ADC_Keywords: Clusters, globular
This catalog compiled by William E. Harris contains basic parameters
on distances, velocities, metallicities, luminosities, colors, and
dynamical parameters for 147 objects regarded as globular clusters in
the Milky Way galaxy. A complete list of source references is given in
the companion file "sources".
The original files are also accessible through WorldWideWeb, at URL
This version corresponds to revision: May 15, 1997,
and supersedes the previous version (Catalog <VII/195>).
Important Notice:
Please acknowledge the use of this catalog in any published work you
derive from it. I would also greatly appreciate receiving any new
information, in published or preprint form, which would help me keep
the list up to date.
William E. Harris <harris@physics.mcmaster.ca>
McMaster University
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
catalog.dat 236 147 The catalogue of Globular Clusters
sources.txt 80 1176 Sources and Explanations
See also:
VII/151 : Structure Parameters of Galactic Globular Clusters (Webbink 1985)
http://www.physics.mcmaster.ca/Globular.html : the author's database.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
2- 10 A9 --- ID Cluster identification number
12- 22 A11 --- Name Other commonly used cluster name
24- 25 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
27- 28 I2 min RAm Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
30- 33 F4.1 s RAs Right Ascension 2000 (seconds)
36 A1 --- DE- Declination 2000 (sign)
37- 38 I2 deg DEd Declination 2000 (degrees)
40- 41 I2 arcmin DEm Declination 2000 (minutes)
43- 44 I2 arcsec DEs Declination 2000 (seconds)
47- 52 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude
54- 59 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude
61- 65 F5.1 kpc Rsun ? Distance from Sun
67- 71 F5.1 kpc Rgc ? Distance from Galactic center,
assuming R(Sun)=8.0 kpc
73- 77 F5.1 kpc X ? X-component (1)
79- 83 F5.1 kpc Y ? Y-component (1)
85- 89 F5.1 kpc Z ? Z-component (1)
93- 96 F4.2 mag E(B-V) ? Foreground reddening
98-102 F5.2 mag V(HB) ? V magnitude of the horizontal branch
(or RR Lyraes)
104-108 F5.2 mag (m-M)V ? Apparent visual distance modulus
110-114 F5.2 mag Vt ? Integrated V magnitude of the cluster
116-121 F6.2 mag MVt ? Absolute visual magnitude
(cluster luminosity)
123-127 F5.2 mag (U-B)t ? Integrated color index (2)
129-133 F5.2 mag (B-V)t ? Integrated color index (2)
135-139 F5.2 mag (V-R)t ? Integrated color index (2)
141-145 F5.2 mag (V-I)t ? Integrated color index (2)
147-151 F5.1 --- S(RR) ? Specific frequency of RR Lyr
(see Suntzeff et al.,
153-157 F5.2 --- HBR ? Horizontal-branch ratio = (B-R)/(B+V+R)
(see Lee, 1990ApJ...363..159L)
160-162 A3 --- HBt [0-7/: ] Dickens horizontal-branch
morphological type
(see Dickens, 1972MNRAS.157..281D)
165-169 F5.2 Sun [Fe/H] ? Metallicity in log (base 10) scale
171-174 A4 --- SpT Integrated spectral type
176-181 F6.1 km/s Vr ? Heliocentric radial velocity
183-186 F4.1 km/s e_Vr ? Observational uncertainty in Vr
188-193 F6.1 km/s Vlsr ? Radial velocity relative to Solar
local standard of rest
195-198 F4.2 --- c ? Central concentration, c = log(Rt/Rc)
199-200 A2 --- n_c [c: ] 'c' denotes a core-collapsed
202-205 F4.2 arcmin Rc ? Core radius
207-210 F4.2 arcmin Rh ? Half-mass radius
211 A1 --- u_Rh Uncertainty flag (:) on Rh
213-217 F5.2 yr log(Tc) ? Log (base 10) of core relaxation time
219-223 F5.2 yr log(Th) ? Log (base 10) of relaxation time at
the half-mass radius
226-230 F5.2 mag/arcsec2 muV ? Central surface brightness in V band
232-236 F5.2 solLum/pc3 log(rhoc) ? Logarithm of central luminosity density
(Solar luminosities per cubic parsec)
Note (1): Position in Sun-centered coordinate system;
X points toward Galactic center,
Y in direction of Galactic rotation,
Z toward North Galactic Pole
Note (2): color indices are uncorrected for reddening
The catalogue was copied via ftp from www.physics.mcmaster.ca/pub/
William E. Harris <harris@physics.mcmaster.ca>
(End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 14-May-1997